Our Story
Founded and operated by nonprofit professionals like you!
We all have the moments in our life that we will never forget. You know the one, that aha moment that changed the direction of your life. For me, that moment was during a nonprofit event downtown Indianapolis at the Westin hotel. I was working an event that night as we just launched our company. As I listened to a young girl talk about being sold by her mother so she could feed her three brothers, it broke my heart. The silver lining was I also watched hundreds of people get out their phones and start making donations. This was my aha moment. In 2011 smartphones were in circulation enough to make mobile bidding worth investing for events. The only problem was only the top nonprofit events could afford it. Ten months later I left that partnership and started WEDO Charity Auctions. I wanted to make our services available to all nonprofit, not just the wealthy ones. With a strategy to solve my own stress and challenge (I was an executive direct myself at the time) , Wedo had carved its niche in the market. We set out to be the best service oriented company. It was never about scaling and building thousands of clients and making millions of dollars. It was and is about helping nonprofits serve their patrons, so they can serve their mission.
Help nonprofits serve donors and the mission with nonprofit technology