How many times have you trained your employees only to see the dullness overtake their faces as they fight to stay awake during the outdated training sessions?

It is shocking to realize that Clear Company reports “40% of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the first year.” That is a huge loss of time, money, and resources for you. Just think of what you could do if the 40% who left because of improper training would stay because of updated learning technology. You would reverse this statistic in your favor and capitalize on the investment of your resources into the people in your company.

So, why should a training manager look for a new online training system? There are 4 reasons why a nonprofit should consider this result-producing option. Let’s explore the 4 reasons together.

Keep Up with Changes in the Industry

Education is essential. But just because we teach doesn’t mean people learn. And if they do learn what we teach, but we teach the wrong thing, then the learning isn’t effective anyway. Think of school, for example. Why did you read 17th-century British literature and solve problems with the Pythagorean theorem? It is because teachers taught us that years ago to prepare us for the industrial age. That time, however, has passed. We now live in the age of information and technology. But have the schools changed what they teach? No. Why? Because that is what they’ve always taught.

If we aren’t careful, we can fall into the same trap in our nonprofit organizations. What workers needed to learn at the start of the organization years ago is not what they need to learn today. We most upgrade our training to match the times in which we live. If we train the way we always have because that’s the way we’ve always done it and don’t look for ways to innovate our training, we will fall behind our industry.

Updating learning management technology is a sure way to stay ahead of the game. The goal is to teach what the workers need to know for what is now and for what is next. Otherwise, they will only be prepared to handle what used to be. By upgrading our training management, we will position our workers, and thus, our organization, in a place to tackle on the industry and pioneer through it will massive results.


Identify Weaknesses in Essential Skills

As we described above, outdated training prepares workers for the past. The problem with this is that the skills our teams used to need differ from the wants they need now. With outdated training methods, it is difficult to identify and build the essential skills that workers need to take the organization to the next level.

When you revamp your training with modernized technology, you will be able to train for the specific skills that are necessary for success today. The update will help you to see how each employee measures to what is essential in the current job market and will help you know what you must teach and to whom you must teach it.

This way, the overall skill set of your team will not lag behind. It will increase with every training session and will result in more overall productivity for your organization.

Increase Worker Satisfaction (and Results)

It is difficult to enjoy serving in a nonprofit that you do not fully understand. Additionally, with inadequate or outdated training, workers are ill-prepared to fulfill their responsibilities. This results in frustration, tension, and ultimately, high turn-over. But for every negative, there is a positive. Workers who train with updated methods and technologies have more confidence in themselves to accomplish their responsibilities and thus report having more overall satisfaction with their roles in nonprofit organizations.

This, in turn, produces results. The people who are confident in what they do, the ones who train with adequate systems, are inevitably more productive in their areas of responsibility. And this can have a domino effect. Every worker trained on a new, updated system will be one additional worker with greater satisfaction, and thus, greater results in their area of responsibility.

Produce Cultural Alignment

Misalignment is bad for cars. It is bad for spines. And it is bad for organizations. When workers train with outdated systems that do not properly convey the organization’s current culture and values, they can end up forming silos out of their own departments. Cultural alignment is essential to success in the nonprofit sector. And one great way to produce alignment is to train every worker on a solid, updated system that communicates what your organization is and what is values.

By updating your training management, you will see an alignment within your organization in a short period of time that will reduce the tension, problems, and miscommunication that reduce your results. Training is the key to producing united teams that consistently move forward towards the same goal with the same purpose at all times.

Therefore, updated training technology helps nonprofit organizations to keep up with their industries. It assists in identifying the areas of strength and the areas of weakness in workers so that they can develop the necessary skills their teams need to thrive. It increases satisfaction and, therefore, increases long-term results. And finally, it brings fresh alignment to teams and rallies them around the cultural values of the nonprofit organizations they are a part of.