How Mobile Bidding Can Affect Your Silent Auction

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How Mobile Bidding Can Affect Your Silent Auction

Are you looking to increase your revenue at your next silent auction? Maybe it’s time that you turn to mobile bidding… better yet, turn to WEDO Charity Auctions.

Our mobile bidding platform is revoluntionary in the nonprofit community. We combine innovative and reliable technology with experienced event professionals while adding excitement to your fundraising event.  Not only do we understand the nonprofit world, we know exactly how to help!

On the day of the event you can feel free to sit back & relax and watch your guests have an all-out bidding war with our interactive mobile technology. And don’t worry, while this fundraising marathon is taking place, our team will be handling your registration, bidding assistance, checkout & reporting.iphone-woman-texting

What do we know will come from this? Well, we will absolutely make fundraising events easier to manage and successful at the same time! With our intimate knowledge of how nonprofit events work allows us to empathize with our clients and come up with detailed solutions that address their particular problems.

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